Complex Trauma Impact on Youth Experiencing Homelessness

  • Health and Well-Being
  • Service Delivery

Complex Trauma Impact on Youth Experiencing Homelessness

This series by the National Network for Youth provides an introduction to complex trauma for service providers who work with young people experiencing homelessness. According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, there are three ways complex trauma can impact youth. These include:

  • Interactions with staff members and authority figures
  • Interactions with their peers
  • Ability to participate in programs and follow through on case plans.

The website includes sections on the following:

  1. Introduction to Youth Homelessness and Trauma
  2. What is Trauma? Stress vs Trauma
  3. Adverse Childhood Experiences
  4. Complex Trauma Impact on Youth Experiencing Homelessness
  5. Trauma-Informed Care 101
  6. Trauma Screening and Assessments